The portrait history and timeline
in the begining of the portrate they where done in paint and they where usaly only created for reliouse perpouses for exarmple of criste and god and saints these where usely done for chirches this was becouse they where ment to show the hightst respected and where used in churches to tell stories and bits of the bibel becouse alot of the people who went to church at the time where not able to read so picturs where alot easyer to show what the prist was talking about meany portrates of these bibel stories are still incherches and gallerys
( piero della ,francesca, 'baptisem of crist ' 1445)
roail portraits
a while later in history roalyty and arrastocratey or thouse of hight states started to get there portrates painted to show there welalth and to presuve there meomory and wealth thro out time most of these portates portrayed the subjected with a siriouse face this was becouse it was verry exsensive and they wanted to seem seriouse and powerful he has lots of exsensive jewrey, clothing and other metirial things
(holbein, king, henrt VIII , 1536) (prince ocsar I of sweden)
renaissance piriod
alfter the craze of rolity there was the renaissance piriod ,during the renaissance ( around 1400 to 1600) there was a grate revival in litriture ,sciance and art
'ordanary' wealthy people started to get there portrates done becouse it was less of a states thing and more of a pride and avalibilatey thing this ment that there was alot more portrates being comitioned at this time
an exarmple of this is (leonardo da vinci,la giocondan (mona lisa) 1503-6)
by the 18th centray in britan 'anyone who was anyone '
or anyone who had money at the time decided to have their portrait made
portrates suggested welth and statas and meny more where comitioned to
show there legacey to there childern as well but meny protrates showing some untrue things to protected the subjects feelings and becouse the painter my be accused of painting someone in the rong way
(tomas gainsborough,mr and mrs andrews 1748-9)
The start of the photograth
this was disscoverd and used becouse a photograph could capture a moment a painting couldent
the painters then becam less importent and also more exspencive as a photograth could be used alot easyer and also the subjected did not have to wait hourse in a position only minets in the begining as tecnoligey advanced the time became shorter fot the subjected to pose and this opend a world for a photograther to be able to take picturs of motion and also of moments that a portrate could never capture
phtos started in black and wight becouse the tecknoligey to make them coloured was not invented yet this photograth is quit posed becouse it would have had a long shutter speed rather than than the sitter exspesing anything about there personalitey the photograther has had to directed the subject in order to get a good qualitey imagey becose the movment is not detected
however in this image due to tecknical advances the photograther has been able to capture a fleeting monent which captures more of the boys chariture and relationships it looks more natrual
what happend to the portrait alfter photography came in ?
when photograths became more popular and more avalibel painters found it hard to get meny liveing portrait jobs so meany went and becam photographers meny artists whowanted to continue painting now started to experament by protraying the world in new and diffrent ways for exarmple the new art movments
like the expeshionists , sariisum , cubisum and futurisum
(edvard munch,the scream,1893)
the painting the scream shows that there is a subjected
but this subjected dose not look human
they look like they are screaming also this is verry abstracted
and diffrent from the convenchanal protrat
this style is more impretionist and it is a self portrate so probelbly done in a mirro
or it could be done by takeing a photograph and then painting it this was a new teckneack some painters took on becouse it was easyer to copy a photograth than makeing a subjected sit while they paint them
moden photograthy
as moden photography became more popular the convetinal portrate became less popular and the photographer became more of a artist and made more of an impacted takeing photos for diffrent reasons to document ,to advertise ,to create a thought ,to show a certen reaction of these reasons and more are why lots of painters stopped painting and picked up the camera as technology moved on colour was introduced to the pictures and this almost gave them a different dimension firstly with one in to the photo then different colours within the same pictures . the photographer started to use different colour erent angels and lights to get more of a interesting photo.
example of how one colours has been introduced this affected is called CPR both of these pictures are of marlin monro
this is a more modern photo taken by a photographer called matt smith
its a close up of just hiss head and he has used the rule of thirds to give it a more exciting look also the picture is in complete focus the subjects eyes are the main focus of the pice with there vibrant blue colour they look almost piecing the subjects gaze is towards the camera making us feel like were seeing in to his sole or as if his eyes are meant to tell a story
different angels used for example this is a low shot as she is in the top corner giving room for her hair to hang in the photo
My Photograph
this portrait shows more than just her it shows her feelings thro her exspretion and also the atmosefear of this pictur gives it a feeling of beeing with nature and with the light behind her head dress it makes you feel like the light was meant to shine there Evan though it is not posed and she was a Friend at a festival who was naked walking around she seems unfazed by all of what is going on around her and with her gaze at her feet makeing her seem almost humble to the earth or nature with the light behind her giving her a outline from the sky and trees the flag in the back round really executes the point I'm makeing with the green that maches the trees and the sky that just gives a natral butie to this picture.
this picture was taken on the 7 of aurgust 2012
photographer yasmina aouane
name of pice : humbel nater with pure butie
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